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Dynafor Industrial

Dynafor 工业系列称重显示器配有集成显示屏,精度高达 0.3%,具有极高的性价比。 规格 容量范围从 1 吨到 20 吨 高度为 17.8 毫米的 5 位 LCD 显示屏 满刻度精度为 0.3 自动停止设置为 20 分钟(可在选项中删除) 多种集成功能(开、去皮、峰值保持、单位更改) 单位(公斤、磅、daN) 防护等级 IP64 取代我们之前的 LLZ2,但功能保持不变  

戴纳福 iOS 和安卓应用程序

太ractel推出的 “Dynafor应用程序 ”是一款简单易用的应用程序,可以远程连接我们的Dynafor Pro、Expert和发射机。 我们的Dynafor应用程序提供多种功能: 读取单个称重传感器、 测量范围可达 30 米 测量多种重量单位(千克/千牛/达牛/吨/吨/磅) 峰值保持功能 去皮功能 阈值设置(低值和高值),带声光报警功能 手动数据记录,带导出功能 称重传感器信息  

Dynasafe - Customized load cell

Applications When a mechanical solution is not enough, and you want to : Display a load Integrate a sensor signal to your PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) Do real-time monitoring and relay management Manage several... 


Featuring an integrated display, the Dynascale series of weighing hook provides great visibility, with an accuracy of 0.5%. Specifications: Capacity range from 1t up to 12.5t LCD display of 5-digit of 30mm height 0.5%... 

Dynarope HF 36

The Dynarope™ tension meter is a precision device for measuring forces in a tensioned cable or rope. The meter can be attached directly to the cable. When the tension meter is placed on a tensioned cable, the load cell... 

Dynaplug HF 44

The Dynaplug anchor tester is an electronic load cell designed to measure anchor strength in construction material. The tool measures traction forces up to 5000 daN. Its shape as a tripod has been especially designed... 

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