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FABA A12 safety ladder galvanised steel

FABA™ A12 梯子,带防坠落护栏。 提供从 560 毫米到 5600 毫米的各种长度。 建议长度为 2,800 毫米,以优化运输和方便安装。 梯级间距 280 毫米。 防坠落栏杆上每隔 40 毫米有一个卡口。 带有防滑表面和 20 毫米高横向安全扣的梯级。 梯级每边宽 155 毫米。 材料: 热浸镀锌钢。 标准: EN 353-1, BGV EN 353-1、BGV D36、DIN 18799-2  

FABA™ System A11

Introduced in 1965, the FABA™ A11 System is the precursor to the vertical access safety devices. The safety rail and slider designs are symmetrical. The slider can be inserted in either direction in the safety rail.  Rail... 

FABA System A12

The FABA A12 System has been on the market since 1995. It is a logical evolution of the FABA A11 System but a lighter and smaller version. The design of the safety rail and carriages is asymmetrical and guarantees... 

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