DD Pulley Block

Price: €0.00 (RRP: €0.00 | 0% Saving)

DD simple yoke pulleys are return pulleys for rope dedicated to slow
applications. They permit lifting or rope deviation - without limit on use height or distance.

They can be suspended to a fixed or mobile anchorage point with the right strength corresponding to the required load.
DD pulleys are fitted with a swivel hook which ensures good positioning of the pulley regarding the rope.

您可能希望购买的 DD Pulley Block 的其他配件选项。

Sheave Diameter (mm) 钢丝绳直径(毫米) 工作载荷限制 重量 产品型号 Price
63-80 15-17 250 0.8 80139
80-100 17-19 500 1.8 80149
131-160 23-25 1,000 3.4 80159