EH Snatch Block

Price: €0.00 (RRP: €0.00 | 0% Saving)

The single sheave snatch blocks of the EH’s range are mainly used for temporary applications for pulling and lifting, when quick  assemblies and/or dismantlings are required. They can be suspended to a fixed or mobile anchorage point with the right strength corresponding to the required load.

Thanks to an easy instalment and availability of a becket, these snatch blocks are most often used for blocks assmblies or wire rope direction changes.
EH’s snatch blocks are fitted with a swivel hook which ensure good positioning of the pulley regarding the cable. The EH’s range can be used with standard tirfor® and tirak® wire rope cable.

您可能希望购买的 EH Snatch Block 的其他配件选项。

型号名称 Sheave Diameter (mm) 钢丝绳直径(毫米) 工作载荷限制 重量 产品型号 Price
E303H 80/100 8-9 1,000 3 kg 80869
E460H* 132/160 7.5-8.3 2,400 7 kg 80969
E313H 132/160 10-12 2,000 8.5 kg 80889
E323H 160/200 13-15 3,200 18 kg 80909
E470H* 160/200 10-11.5 3,200 18 kg 80989
E490H 160/200 13-15 5,000 17 kg 81029
E333H 210/250 16-18 5,000 22 kg 80929
E480H 275/336 14-16.3 6,400 34 kg 81009
E347H 275/336 21-23 8,000 34 kg 80949