Pakrol skates and trolley skates

Pakrol Skates and Trolley Skates
Price: €0.00 (RRP: €0.00 | 0% Saving)

Pakrol skates and trolley skates are designed for easy and smooth transport of heavy loads across a flat and smooth floor.

The floor should be checked to ensure it has sufficient load-carrying capacity and if necessary flat steel plates should be used to carry the Pakrol and load.

The Pakrol skates and trolley skates can be used in combination to move loads from 2000kg to 20000kg.


  • WLL 2000kg to 20000kg
  • Robust construction
  • A modular system to steer and move loads
  • Trolley skates have turntables
  •  Skates can be joined together to increase capacity
  • Nylon or PU rollers with ball bearings
  • The load can be pulled and steered by the drawbar
  • The floor must be completely smooth and flat in order to move the loads.


您可能希望购买的 Pakrol skates and trolley skates 的其他配件选项。

型号名称 说明 Type 工作载荷限制 A B C D E F G H 重量 产品型号 Price
Skate 2t NY

2 wheel nylon skate

1 2 270 106 308 110 5 kg 50149
Skate 4t NY

4 wheel nylon skate

2 4 270 232 308 110 11 kg 50159
Skate 6t NY

6 wheel nylon skate

3 6 270 348 308 110 25 kg 50169
Trolley skate 4t NY

4 wheel nylon trolley skate

4 4 110 940 230 297 145 x 180 14 kg 50179
Trolley skate 6t NY

8 wheel nylon trolley skate

5 8 110 1200 530 640 400 x 220 50 kg 50189
Trolley skate 8t PU

8 wheel PU trolley skate

5 8 110 1200 530 640 400 x 220 50 kg 50199
Connection bar 74517