Solsit motorised work seat

Price: €0.00 (RRP: €0.00 | 0% Saving)

The Solsit, motorised seat for inspection and maintenance, has been specifically designed for man riding applications.

The Solsit is suitable for many light jobs and is fitted with a Tirak X-300P series hoist (single or 3 PH, 50 or 60 Hz, on request).

The working height is limited only by the lenght of the wire rope supplied.

Supplied as an assembky including ballast weight, quality control and testing.

Suspension wire rope and electrical cable to be supply separely.

您可能希望购买的 Solsit motorised work seat 的其他配件选项。

型号名称 产品型号
Solsit with Tirak X-300P - 3PH - 50Hz 55649
Solsit with Tirak X-301P - 1PH - 50Hz 55659