EH Snatch Block

Price: £0.00 (RRP: £0.00 | 0% Saving)

The single sheave snatch blocks of the EH’s range are mainly used for temporary applications for pulling and lifting, when quick  assemblies and/or dismantlings are required. They can be suspended to a fixed or mobile anchorage point with the right strength corresponding to the required load.

Thanks to an easy instalment and availability of a becket, these snatch blocks are most often used for blocks assmblies or wire rope direction changes.
EH’s snatch blocks are fitted with a swivel hook which ensure good positioning of the pulley regarding the cable. The EH’s range can be used with standard tirfor® and tirak® wire rope cable. The E460H, E470H and E480H types are EN13157.

Additional options for EH Snatch Block you may wish to purchase.

Model Name Sheave Diameter (mm) Wire Rope Diameter (mm) WLL Weight Product Code Price
E303H 80/100 8-9 1,000 3 kg 80869
E460H* 132/160 7.5-8.3 2,400 7 kg 80969
E313H 132/160 10-12 2,000 8.5 kg 80889
E323H 160/200 13-15 3,200 18 kg 80909
E470H* 160/200 10-11.5 3,200 18 kg 80989
E490H 160/200 13-15 5,000 17 kg 81029
E333H 210/250 16-18 5,000 22 kg 80929
E480H 275/336 14-16.3 6,400 34 kg 81009
E347H 275/336 21-23 8,000 34 kg 80949