Harness HT56

Price: £0.00 (RRP: £0.00 | 0% Saving)

The HT56 is a wide-scale general purpose harness with three anchorage points: 1 chest anchorage point and 2 thoracic anchorage points. 

It is particularly suited to industrial maintenance thanks to its two thoracic anchorage points which can be used, if necessary, as work position holding points with an appropriate lanyard.

It is particularly suited for construction workers (ladders, scaffolding, roofing, etc.) thanks to its chest anchorage point.

Enhanced comfort is ensured by the back X-Pad, the mountaineering-type thigh straps and the linkage between the shoulder straps and thigh straps by connecting buckles. Comfort is further enhanced through the use of elastrac™ units available on option.The harness is very easy to slip on as it opens fully at the front with the X-Pad preserving the harness form. Putting on the harness is further facilitated through the use of automatic buckles available on option.

  • Universal and very confortable harness automatic with big confort for a long work
  • Complies with Standard EN 361
  • 1 Dorsal "big Forged D " anchorage
  • 2 Toracic anchorage
  • 1 Sternal anchorage
  • 1 Comfort sub-pelvic  straps
  • 5 Adjustment points
  • Independent mountain leg strap High-comfort 
  • Standards or Automatics closure buckle
  • Confort back X-PAD
  • Fall indicator in each anchorage



  • ElastracTM

Additional options for Harness HT56 you may wish to purchase.

Product Type S M XL XXL Enquire
HT56 - Standard buckles 65302 65312 65322 -
HT56 A - X-Pad - Size XL - Automatics buckles 65332 65342 65352 80682
HT56 AE - X-Pad - Size XL - Automatics buckles - Elastrac - 65692 65702 -