Zawiesia łańcuchowe

Zawiesia łańcuchowe znajdują zastosowanie w różnych gałęziach przemysłu, głównie w budownictwie, gdzie mamy do czynienia z częstymi pracami przeładunkowymi. Zawiesia cieszą się dużą popularnością ze względu na swoją odporność na uszkodzenia mechaniczne oraz trudne warunki pracy. Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z ofertą uchwytów marki Tractel.

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2 x TLH 1 / ≤ 1.000 kg

A new range of chain slings with 2, 3 or 4 legs which is designed for use with: F and TB hooks, horizontal plate clamps TLH, TLC and TLR plate hooks QS, QR and QX These slings have been designed with a shortener that... 

2 x TLH 10 / ≤ 10.000 kg

A new range of chain slings with 2, 3 or 4 legs which is designed for use with: F and TB hooks, horizontal plate clamps TLH, TLC and TLR plate hooks QS, QR and QX These slings have been designed with a shortener that... 

2 x TLH 2-3 / ≤ 2.000 kg - ≤ 3.000 kg

A new range of chain slings with 2, 3 or 4 legs which is designed for use with: F and TB hooks, horizontal plate clamps TLH, TLC and TLR plate hooks QS, QR and QX These slings have been designed with a shortener that... 

2 x TLH 4-5 / ≤ 4.000 kg - ≤ 5.000 kg

A new range of chain slings with 2, 3 or 4 legs which is designed for use with: F and TB hooks, horizontal plate clamps TLH, TLC and TLR plate hooks QS, QR and QX These slings have been designed with a shortener that... 

3 x TLH 1 / ≤ 1.500 kg

A new range of chain slings with 2, 3 or 4 legs which is designed for use with: F and TB hooks, horizontal plate clamps TLH, TLC and TLR plate hooks QS, QR and QX These slings have been designed with a shortener that... 

3 x TLH 2-3 / ≤ 3.000kg - ≤ 4.500kg

A new range of chain slings with 2, 3 or 4 legs which is designed for use with: F and TB hooks, horizontal plate clamps TLH, TLC and TLR plate hooks QS, QR and QX These slings have been designed with a shortener that... 

3 x TLH 4-5 / ≤ 6.000kg - ≤ 7.500kg

A new range of chain slings with 2, 3 or 4 legs which is designed for use with: F and TB hooks, horizontal plate clamps TLH, TLC and TLR plate hooks QS, QR and QX These slings have been designed with a shortener that... 

3 x TLH 10 / ≤ 15.000 kg

A new range of chain slings with 2, 3 or 4 legs which is designed for use with: F and TB hooks, horizontal plate clamps TLH, TLC and TLR plate hooks QS, QR and QX These slings have been designed with a shortener that... 

Zawiesia 2 x F10 / < 10 000 kg

A new range of chain slings with 2, 3 or 4 legs which is designed for use with: F and TB hooks, horizontal plate clamps TLH, TLC and TLR plate hooks QS, QR and QX These slings have been designed with a shortener that... 

Zawiesia 2 x F15 / < 15 000 kg

A new range of chain slings with 2, 3 or 4 legs which is designed for use with: F and TB hooks, horizontal plate clamps TLH, TLC and TLR plate hooks QS, QR and QX These slings have been designed with a shortener that... 

Zawiesia 2 x F2 / < 2 000 kg

A new range of chain slings with 2, 3 or 4 legs which is designed for use with: F and TB hooks, horizontal plate clamps TLH, TLC and TLR plate hooks QS, QR and QX These slings have been designed with a shortener that... 

Zawiesia 2 x F5 / < 5 000 kg

A new range of chain slings with 2, 3 or 4 legs which is designed for use with: F and TB hooks, horizontal plate clamps TLH, TLC and TLR plate hooks QS, QR and QX These slings have been designed with a shortener that... 

Zawiesia 2 x F7.5 / < 10 000 kg

A new range of chain slings with 2, 3 or 4 legs which is designed for use with: F and TB hooks, horizontal plate clamps TLH, TLC and TLR plate hooks QS, QR and QX These slings have been designed with a shortener that... 

Zawiesia 2 x TB1/ < 1000 kg

A new range of chain slings with 2, 3 or 4 legs which is designed for use with: F and TB hooks, horizontal plate clamps TLH, TLC and TLR plate hooks QS, QR and QX These slings have been designed with a shortener that... 

Zawiesia 2 x TB2/ < 2000 kg

A new range of chain slings with 2, 3 or 4 legs which is designed for use with: F and TB hooks, horizontal plate clamps TLH, TLC and TLR plate hooks QS, QR and QX These slings have been designed with a shortener that... 

Zawiesia 2 x TB3/ < 3000 kg

A new range of chain slings with 2, 3 or 4 legs which is designed for use with: F and TB hooks, horizontal plate clamps TLH, TLC and TLR plate hooks QS, QR and QX These slings have been designed with a shortener that... 

Zawiesia 2x TLC 1 / ≤ 1000kg

A new range of chain slings with 2, 3 or 4 legs which is designed for use with: F and TB hooks, horizontal plate clamps TLH, TLC and TLR plate hooks QS, QR and QX These slings have been designed with a shortener that... 

Zawiesia 2x TLC 2.5/≤2500kg

A new range of chain slings with 2, 3 or 4 legs which is designed for use with: F and TB hooks, horizontal plate clamps TLH, TLC and TLR plate hooks QS, QR and QX These slings have been designed with a shortener that... 

Zawiesia 2x TLC 4 / ≤ 4000kg

A new range of chain slings with 2, 3 or 4 legs which is designed for use with: F and TB hooks, horizontal plate clamps TLH, TLC and TLR plate hooks QS, QR and QX These slings have been designed with a shortener that... 

Zawiesia 2x TLC 6 / ≤ 6000kg

A new range of chain slings with 2, 3 or 4 legs which is designed for use with: F and TB hooks, horizontal plate clamps TLH, TLC and TLR plate hooks QS, QR and QX These slings have been designed with a shortener that... 

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