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Property & Model Release Form
Owner’s Permission and Rights Granted
I own or control the Property. By signing this release, I hereby give Tractel® Ltd. my permission to license the Content and to use the Content in any Media for any purpose which may include, among others, advertising, promotion, marketing and packaging for any Tractel® Ltd. publication. I agree that the Images may be combined with other images, text and graphics and cropped, altered or modified. I agree that I have no rights to the Images, and all rights to the Images belong to Tractel Ltd.
I acknowledge and agree that I have consented to publication of myself, but understand that I may be combined with other images, text and graphics and cropped, altered or modified. I agree that I have no rights to the Images, and all rights to the Images belong to Tractel Ltd.
I acknowledge and agree that I have no further right to additional consideration or accounting, and that I will make no further claim for any reason to Tractel® Ltd.
I acknowledge and agree that this release is binding upon my heirs, assigns and any other person claiming an interest in the Property. I agree that this release is irrevocable, worldwide and perpetual. I represent and warrant that I am at least 18 years of age. I have the full legal capacity and right to execute this release and grant the rights herein granted with respect to the Property, and to bind all persons claiming an interest in the Property.
I consent to the inclusion of this Property Release form including the details recommended in it being owned and used by Tractel Ltd. or its subsidiary.
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