ELC - ELS pulleys

ELC - ELS pulleys
Price: €0.00 (RRP: €0.00 | 0% Saving)

New light & compact 1t pulley for use in Offshore applications or along with Minifor.
The pulley is designed to be as compact as possible for use in elevator cage ceiling, to install the elevator motor.
It is designed with the same principles than an ET pulley, in order to be robust, corrosion resistant (Zn coating) and with all elements being foolproof.
It exists in two version, ELC (as shown below) and ELS with safety hook (but less compact).

Additional options for ELC - ELS pulleys you may wish to purchase.

Model Name Description Sheave Diameter (mm) Wire Rope Diameter (mm) WLL Weight Product Code Price

equipped with safety clasp

55 6.5-7 1,000 1.6 252209

equipped with safety hook

55 6.5-7 1,000 1.8 252259