Load arresters for material handling

When a material-only load is being lifted or lowered, it makes sense to add a secondary device to prevent it from falling. This will protect whatever is being hoisted while ensuring any people or things beneath the load are not harmed in the event of an accident. For material handling, use Blocstop or Blocmat load arresters.

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Load arresters for material handling

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Blocmat L

The Blocmat L Loadarrest Lanyard is a reliable and versatile connecting element specifically designed for securing devices and loads. It acts as a link between a fixed anchor point and the load to be secured, ensuring maximum... 

Blocmat load arrester

Automatic wire rope load arrester with an integrated drum reeler. With the Blocmat, you can trust that any falling load will be arrested within 10 cm, ensuring the safety and security of your equipment and personnel. This... 

Blocmat TSD

The Blocmat TSD: An advanced self-retracting load fall arrest solution. Equipped with the innovative TSD system (Top System Dissipator), the Blocmat TSD guarantees a falling load of less than 650daN, even if the load drops... 

Blocstop BSO load arrester

The Blocstop BSO is an effective solution for material load arresting in numerous applications, including the opening and closing of an overhead door, lifting of valuable material load, and protection for a sensitive ground... 

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