Staying Ahead of the Curve: Regulatory Compliance and Industry Standards in Facade Access


Embarking on a new commercial building project is full of exciting possibilities for the future, from the aesthetic vision as it comes to fruition, to the façade access equipment that will make that vision possible…and compliant with regulations.

It's vital to consider the latter at a building's design stage—not only to ensure that your façade access equipment solutions don't compromise on the project's artistic ambitions, but also to protect the construction and glazing contractors responsible who act on the architect's goals.

That's where the Façade Access North America's (NAM) Integrated Design Services (IDS) experts come in. When you contact us at your building project's earliest stages, our proven team can listen to your stakeholders' needs, then return with recommendations that can help you stay ahead of safety concerns including regulatory compliance.

The Standards Your Team Needs to Know

To incorporate façade access safety into your building project's design stage, you first need to remember the regulations & standards governing your work.

For example, while OSHA 1910.66 in the US sets numerous regulations affecting facade access equipment, these regulations can change depending on geography. When you include experts like Façade NAM's IDS team, we can help you stay aware—and ahead—of any compliance concerns.

The Architectural Benefits of Compliance

When your team begins considering the regulatory requirements in place to protect workers, it becomes easy to see how your architectural ambitions benefit from maintaining compliance with local regulations.

These benefits include:

  • Efficiency: By considering compliant façade access equipment solutions early on, the project team saves itself from having to potentially retrofit systems into a design after the building's completion. Preventing that means cutting the amount of downtime for the building, which in turn decreases the risk of accidents on the site. Early consideration also prevents a retrofit from reducing the façade's exterior appeal or marring your architect's initial vision.

  • Cost: Avoiding retrofits later helps reduce costs in the long-term. However, architects also benefit from considering façade access safety at the design stage because it helps them determine when they require custom access solutions, and grants them time to work with experts (like the Façade NAM's IDS team) who can develop recommendations that fit the project's budget.

  • Innovation: When an architect plans a building with many varying angles, heavy use of glazing and glasswork, or rounded, organic shapes, the project may require a custom façade access system. This presents an opportunity to work with integrated design experts to create a wholly unique access system. Achieving this can help architects position themselves as forward-thinking artists capable of keeping their buildings appealing well into the future.

Protecting Workers at Each Stage of Your Building Project

When you consider regulatory compliance at your building's design stage, contractors win, too.

The benefits that contractors experience when you solve for compliant for façade access equipment early include:

  • Streamlined Installation: When curtain wall contractors and other workers can know the façade access layout before construction starts, they can plan loading procedures and storage and materials, creating safer operations when they arrive to begin the project. This is especially good for glazing contractors due to their work with fragile and expensive glass panels.

  • Faster Repairs: Compliant façade access systems benefit repair contractors by providing efficient designs that can help them easily access points of interest on a structure and quickly complete their tasks. When designed with expertise, access systems can control workers' movements in ways that give them all the mobility they require without forcing them to divide their attention between maneuverability and sometimes intricate operations. 

By contacting Façade Access NAM's IDS experts, you can provide these benefits to the contractors on your building project. Incorporating our team early also means that your contractors' needs can be heard and accounted for before they begin their tasks. When an IDS team member is present at the design stage, they can hear what contractors need to load building materials and tools, access complicated parts of a building’s structure, and more safely and successfully.

Stay Ahead of the Curve with Façade Access NAM

Regulatory compliance isn't a luxury for commercial building projects—it's essential. That's why the Façade Access NAM team is vital to ensure your project's success. We have a proven history of developing custom solutions for everything from standard, traditional builds to the most unusual and artistic commercial properties in North America. With every project, our experts develop systems that prioritize compliant façade access safety and meet maintenance and repair needs while never compromising on a building's aesthetic vision.

To learn more, contact our IDS experts and begin achieving these results for your project today.

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