Navigating the Complexities of High-Rise Maintenance: Advanced Solutions for Modern Buildings


Repairing and cleaning the exteriors of high-rise structures is arguably one of the most daunting challenges in building management. With the potential for irregularly shaped buildings creating challenges when accessing the façade, to safety considerations inherent to any labor performed at height, a building project’s team must facilitate safe, successful work—all while achieving the project’s functional and aesthetic ambitions—with proper façade access systems.

These challenges can become less difficult when building teams plan façade access at the project’s design stage with help from Façade Access North America’s (NAM’s) Integrated Design Services (IDS) experts. To learn how, read more about the challenges and solutions to properly navigating the complexities of exterior building maintenance.

The Challenges Contractors Face During Post-Construction Building Maintenance

Some of the challenges in high-rise building maintenance are like any other commercial property. Environmental stresses including wind, sunlight, rain, and more can accelerate the deterioration of exterior structural components and require routine maintenance and regulatory compliance with OSHA, CCOHS or other standards that may apply to a project. 

When you contact Façade Access NAM’s IDS experts at the design stage, they can help you develop access systems that will help contractors navigate these issues, as well as additional factors particular to skyscrapers, including the following:

  • Height: Buildings like the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, for example, stand at a height of 163 floors, multiplying potential hazards. For your tall commercial building, working with IDS experts at the design stage creates opportunities to plan façade access solutions that include building maintenance unit considerations that minimize risk and increase the likelihood of successful maintenance work.

  • Exterior Construction Materials: Materials like glass, metal cladding, and composite panels can increase a façade’s aesthetic appeal, but also be delicate. Consulting with IDS experts early can help you devise façade access solutions with lighter materials that are easy on more fragile components while still facilitating contractors’ cleaning, repair, and maintenance responsibilities.

  • Cost and Resources: The height and complex architectural designs of many high-rise buildings demand that maintenance contractors use special equipment like building maintenance units that can safely and efficiently move workers across building surfaces. While developing the right access system could be costly, working with Façade Access NAM’s IDS experts can give you access to consultants who can identify solutions that meet architectural, maintenance, and safety needs while staying within your project’s budget.

Addressing the Complexities of High-rise Maintenance

Even with these complexities factored in, there are multiple ways to streamline high-rise exterior building maintenance.

First, consider custom façade access design at your project’s design stage. Taking this step can help your architects determine access solutions your building will need for future maintenance without compromising on their artistic vision. It can also help architects execute a forward-thinking approach that accounts for contractors’ safety.

The next thing you should do is involve Façade Access NAM’s IDS experts in these early conversations. Whether the issues your team navigates include height, architectural design, materials, or even broader budget concerns, IDS experts can ensure that your team begins building with custom façade access solutions in place which both achieve the architectural vision while facilitating safe, successful maintenance operations after completion. They’ll do this by recommending equipment that meets your building’s specific needs while complying with any prevalent safety regulations. This early communication with façade access experts will help make it easier for contractors and architects to determine the right equipment for exterior building maintenance.

Get the Right Façade Access for Your Exterior Maintenance Needs with Tractel

Façade Access NAM’s team of IDS experts is a part of Tractel, a leading partner in developing access solutions for high-rise buildings offering a range of equipment for all exterior building maintenance tasks. With our help, buildings receive custom solutions that comply with safety regulations, meet façade access functionality needs for maintenance and repair, and never compromise on teams' aesthetic visions.

To see these results for your new building project, contact our IDS experts today.

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